Social Development

Simpcw’s Social Development Department staff can provide  members with connections to resources and information that may strengthen their connections to families and community.

Programs and Services:

child protection concern Call:

Simpcw Child Protection Services:

250.672.0488 Ext.: 289 (24-hour Hotline) or

Secwepemc Child and Family Services:

250.314.9669 (Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm)

After hours call Children & Youth Hotline:


MCFD (Ministry of Children & Family Development) Child Protection:

1.800.663.9122 (24-hour Hotline)

Useful links:

Representative for
Children and Youth

Make a Complaint About
Child or Family Service

Document 3

Family Preservation

-In Community & Surrounding Areas
-Northern BC and Lower Mainland/
Vancouver Island

Yecwemintem re Kwséltkten-kt
"Looking After Our Relations/People" Development

-Highlights & Videos

Income Assistance

SD Events


Indigenous Crisis Hotline

Simpcw & Gitsegukla Declaration

Document 3

For further information contact:

Carmen Hance BSW, Social Development Manager

Phone: 250.672.9995 Ext: 228
Fax: 250.672.5500

Team -
Social Development:

Elise McInnis, Office Lead

P: 250-672-9995 Ext:  263

Megan Sim, Event Coordinator

P: 250-672-9995 Ext:  265

Kathleen McDonald BSW, Jurisdiction Coordinator

P: 1-250-572-6678

Heather Lowe, Family Preservation Worker (In Community & Surrounding Area)

P: 250.672.9995 Ext: 243

Ronda McInnes, Income Assistance & Administrative Assistant

250-972-9995 Ext: 244

Team - Urban Prevention

Linda Dawson-Reid BSW, Urban Team Lead


Simone Lampreau BSW, Family Preservation Worker (Northern BC)


Tammy Dangtim, Family Preservation Worker (Lower Mainland & Van. Island)


Karla Green - Urban Prevention Administration Assistant

250-672-9995 Ext: 264