Simpcw Governance Initiative

The Simpcw Governance Initiative, lead by Nathan Matthew, is a process that promotes active family participation & respresentation in the future Simpcw Governance Model. 

Simpcw Governance Initiative Report

June 2024 Report- Nathan Matthew


Simpcw Governance Initiative sessions were held on May 1, a dinner/meeting and Saturday, May 25, a day session. Both sessions dealt with the issue of including families in community governance decision-making. A major task was to identify which members belonged to each of the main family groups. This information would be used to communication within family groups in order to share important issues and to receive feedback from members. The group membership lists could be used to plan family gatherings and to choose family group representatives.

The main family groups discussed at previous sessions were reviewed. These were:

Baptiste                       Bowser                        Celesta            Donald             Eustache

Fortier                         Joseph                         Jules                Lampreau        Matthew        

Pete                             Philip                           Saul    

Chart paper with these names were placed on the walls and participants added names of individuals they knew to belong to each family group. It was noted that there were many members who were not readily identifiable as being from any of the family groups, so a project will be undertaken to conduct the necessary research to place all families into their respective family groups. (A report on this is included in another newsletter article)

In small groups the participants engaged in an exercise about how families could participate in family involvement in establishing a Simpcw Protected Area. How would families be informed of the project? Who would be effective representatives?

Responses were:

Communication by:

  • A separate webpage, Newsletter, Email, Text messaging-chats, Telephone, Conferences, Workshops, Gatherings on the land, photos, family gatherings.
  • Information from: Elders, family members-stories, knowledge keepers,

Family involvement: Family meetings, conferences, community planning, families chose representatives to smaller meetings.

Effective family communication:

  • Ensure all family members are provided information about the topic being dealt with.
  • Provide financial support for family members to participate.
  • Provide opportunities to learn Simpcw history and Simpcw territory.

Effective family representation:

  • Family representatives should have the interest, commitment, time, and knowledge of the issue. Be willing to report back to family members
  • Family representatives should be paid an honorarium to .organize and communicate with their family and there should be an alternative representative.

Next steps in Governance Initiative:

  • The development of Simpcw Laws. This will involve a lawyer(s).
  • A meeting on Law making in the Fall of 2024.
  • There will be a presentation on the Simpcw Governance Initiative at Simpcw Days in September and Simpcw governance will be a topic at the Fall Simpcw Community planning session.

For more information contact Nathan Matthew: Cellular (250) 851-6054, Email:

For more information, please contact:

Nathan Matthew, Title & Rights Consultant

Pictures from top to bottom:

Main picture: Simpcw Days 2023