The Land Department is the newest branch of Simpcw First Nation’s Administration. This department deals with the management, planning, and administration of land on-reserve, and collaborates with external bodies for larger strategic community planning initiatives.
This department coordinates surveys, subdivision, leases, permits, and registration of land transfers, as well as provides support services for housing, infrastructure, and natural resource management.
The roles and responsibilities of the Land Department are broadening and evolving to meet the needs of a growing Band.
The intent of the Simpcw Land Use Plan (LUP) Community Engagement Strategy (CES) is to provide a framework to guide the Project Team (Project Lead, Consultant and Project Working Group) through the Reserve Land Use Planning Process.
Chief and Council have given direction to develop a new/updated, community-led LUP that better reflects community values and priorities and ensures Reserve lands are managed and planned for in a sustainable way, balancing social, cultural, economic, and environmental interests. The two year planning process started in March 2022 and will be finalized at the end of 2024.
Simpcw members are encouraged to view the latest report in the Land Use Plan Process.
The document is password protected and confidential to members only.
Your password is your full name connected with an underscore (first_last) and the last 4 digits of your Simpcw Membership number.
Document 1
For more information please contact:
P: 250.672.9995 Ext: 224