Little Moccasins - Headstart Progam

Tsetsítsme7t re silltśu7úwi
(Little Moccasins)
Head Start Program

  • Little Moccasins Head Start Program values our Elders as our language keepers and our children as our language carriers. It is our re­sponsibility to guide children in the language, cultural beliefs and cultural practices as each child is part of what makes the community whole. We acknowledge and honor the ex­pertise of both young and old.
  • Little Moccasins Head Start Beliefs: Our holis­tic philosophy guides us to be healthy individ­uals that create healthy communities that are balanced in all phases of spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well being.
  • Unique to Head Start’s early intervention phi­losophy is the recognition that culture is a fundamental part of a child’s health develop­ment and that caring, creativity and confi­dence flow from a strong grounding in com­munity values.
  • Head Start provides children with a positive sense of themselves as First Nations children and builds on the children’s knowledge of their First Nation’s languages and experience of culture in their communities. 


~Simpcw Health embraces and is committed to supporting Simpcw in creating wellness in all
aspects of life~

Cwelcwelt-Kucw te qelmucw
We are Healthy People

What is Head Start?

BC First Nations Head Start on re­serve (BCFHHS) is a holistic commu­nity based program designed to en­hance early childhood development, school readiness and overall family health and wellness for First Nations preschool children (birth to six years) on reserve.

Our Head Start Program is designed with the belief that children are a gift from the Creator and with this in mind we recognize children as our most valuable resource and offer a comprehensive experience for chil­dren 0-6 years and their families. The program is based on caring, cre­ativity and pride by offering children and their families the chance to learn and grow within our communi­ty. Our teachings evolve around the six components. We strive to pro­mote effective community-based programming recognizing the uniqueness and diversity of our community.

Delivery Model of the 6 Components

Scwelcw'elt - Health Promotion:

Head Start programs provide opportunities for children to access health professionals and for children and families to practice healthy life­styles with an emphasis on developing independence, self-care and wellness choices for life. 

Kenknucwmen-Social Support:

Head Start programs help families connect with resources and community services that can support and empower them in their roles as parents. 

K'weseltktn-Parent and Family:

Involvement: Head Start programs support and involve parents and family members as the primary teachers of children and provide opportunities for parents/caregivers to be ac­tively involved in Head Start and to learn and grow as role models for their children.


Head Start programs encourage children to enjoy life-long learning by providing rich opportunities for their emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development. 

Xwgwelten- Culture and Language:

Head Start programs provide children with a positive sense of themselves as First Nations children and provide them with opportunities to understand and experience their culture and language.


Head Start programs provide children with wholesome food to help them meet their nutritional needs and provide children and families with information and support in developing healthy eating habits that can be maintained for life.

Little Moccasins Program is locally de­signed to reflect the uniqueness of the Simpcw First Nations community and culture and is supported by the leader­ship of the Simpcw Health board.

** Children Must be Registered to Attend Head Start **

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30-11:30am

All Diapered Children Must be Accompanied by an Adult.
Children Aged 28 month & Older that are Toilet Trained May Attend by Themselves

For more information, please contact:

Arlene Mitchell - Head Start Coordinator

P:250.672.9995 Ext: 245

Toll Free: 1.800.678.1129 Ext:245